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NABU (The Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union Germany) e.V.
Charitéstraße 3
1011 Berlin

Tel. +49 (0) 30-28 49 84-0
Fax +49 (0) 30-28 49 84-20 00

Register court: Amtsgericht Stuttgart | Register number: VR 2303
VAT identification-No.: DE 155765809

President: Jörg-Andreas Krüger
Managing Director: Leif Miller
Managing Co-Director: Susanne Baumann

Copyright disclaimer
Downloadable press statements may be used freely when credited appropriately with NABU as copyright holder. Images may only be used if this is explicitly permitted. All other copy and graphic asset rights reserved. Republishing is prohibited.

Photos by Mathias Putze
Website by Im Neuland